Wednesday, April 29, 2015



We are proud to show you the activities carried out by some teachers from fifth- and fourth-graders, making use of various learning techniques to introject students diverse knowledge, including rope workshops, oral presentations  and arts projects to discover their skills.
Fifth grade with the teacher Indira Gonzalez

Murphy (2001) identifies communication skills as a key skill in higher education. Oral presentation task enable students to participate fully in their learning, demonstrate their ability to their lecturer, and help them develop competencies in a vital area of their future working lives.

Oral Presentations by 4th grade.

4th grade with the teacher Cynthia Tejada.
These  activities are designed to create an environment for participants to explore,  where participants feel comfortable expressing differing opinions, beliefs and viewpoints.

Art project with construction paper.

Very soon more activities carried out by different teachers with their respective students.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Welcome Back 2015

We invite all the community of C.A.A. to participate actively in our blog where you will be the main character!

Learning gives creativity

creativity leads to thinking 

Thinking provides knowledge  

Knowledge makes you great.

                           Abdul Kalam


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

De Padres a Hijas


*Acepte el hecho de que su pequeña hija hará que su corazón se derrita cada vez que ella quiera.
*Forme parte de su vida ahora. No espere hasta que ella tenga 15 años para tratar de desarrollar una relación.
*Cántele mientras la acuna. A ella le encantará escuchar su voz.
*Prepárese para ver  las  mismas películas una y otra vez.
*No se ría de ella, nunca, nunca, nunca.
*Tenga presente que desde el principio su personalidad la va a formar a ella.
*Nunca olvide que los padres que prestan apoyo producen hijas con alta autoestima.
*Léale con frecuencia. Muy pronto, ella le estará leyendo a usted.
*No tolere sus arrebatos de ira. Ni ahora, ni cuando tenga 15 años.
*Restrinja lo que ve en la televisión, a menos que quiera que crezca con los valores que enseña Hollywood.
*Llegue a tiempo para la cena. Esto es muy importante.
*Enséñele a ser paciente, amable y tolerante. Si no lo hace, dentro de muchos años usted deseará haberlo hecho.
*Recuérdele  que lo más sagrado entre un padre y su hija es que ambos pueden confiar el uno en el otro.
 *Llévela a la iglesia todas las semanas. Tal vez ella no comparta su entusiasmo, pero después de 18 años el mensaje habrá penetrado en su mente.
*Piense antes de hablar. Aun cuando no tenga la intención de hacerlo, usted puede herir sus sentimientos.
*No falte a ninguno de sus conciertos, programas o actuaciones escolares. No lo haga ahora, ni hasta el día en que se gradúe.
*Enséñele a respetarse a sí misma.
*Dígale que ella es la hija con la que usted siempre soñó.
(Dr. James Dobson) 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

FLow: A Mouse With More

Flow Controller/Credit: Flow 
 Even as touch-enabled devices take over the world, along with other natural interfaces like voice and gesture, the mouse remains an integral part of computing. But what if we built a better mouse?
The team of German hardware designers behind Flow hopes the computing world will soon be beating a path to its door.
Flow is a "freely programmable wireless controller" which combines hand gesture recognition, touch, and haptics in a mobile, hockey puck-shaped design. The idea is to take the core functionality of a traditional mouse and expand it to also include much broader capabilities found in touch-based devices, video game controllers, and even motion-and-gesture sensors.
The Flow team on Monday launched an Indiegogo campaign for their open-platform device, seeking to raise $50,000 in seed money to jumpstart their dream of producing a product for general release by 2016. Just hours into the 40-day crowdfunding effort, Flow had already raised $12,398, or about 25 percent of the final goal.
Flow is being billed as a multi-use device which can be used as traditional mouse with a PC but also to interface with mobile devices and even hung on a wall as a smart device controller. It measures 70mm in diameter and 15mm in height, and "connects directly to anything that speaks Bluetooth Low Energy with no additional hardware required," according to its designers.
The device, made from aluminum and stainless steel with a durable polycarbonate touch surface, packs a long-life, replaceable battery promising four months of charge. Flow's sensors enable capacitive touch, 360-degree angular positioning, infrared-based hand gesture recognition and luminosity.
Flow CEO Tobias Eichenwald and his team say they eventually aim to code their controller with "dozens of controls out of the box," including synchronization with Linux-based software, popular design applications like Photoshop, the Arduino and Raspberry Pi "maker" boards, and media platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, and Pandora.
"We'll start off by supporting Mac, then add support for iOS devices, Android, Linux, and Windows. We're making progress fast and we'll keep you posted along the way," the Flow team said.