Tuesday, June 17, 2014


El origen del universo
(Profesora Genoveva Samudio)


La teoría más conocida sobre el origen del universo se centra en un cataclismo cósmico sin igual en la historia: el big bang. Esta teoría surgió de la observación del alejamiento a gran velocidad de otras galaxias respecto a la nuestra en todas direcciones, como si hubieran sido repelidas por una antigua fuerza explosive.


Antes del big bang, según los científicos, la inmensidad del universo observable, incluida toda su materia y radiación, estaba comprimida en una masa densa y caliente a tan solo unos pocos milímetros de distancia. Este estado casi incomprensible se especula que existió tan sólo una fracción del primer segundo de tiempo.


Los defensores del big bang sugieren que hace unos 10.000 o 20.000 millones de años, una onda expansiva masiva permitió que toda la energía y materia conocidas del universo (incluso el espacio y el tiempo) surgieran a partir de algún tipo de energía desconocido.


La teoría mantiene que, en un instante (una trillonésima parte de un segundo) tras el big bang, el universo se expandió con una velocidad incomprensible desde su origen del tamaño de un guijarro a un alcance astronómico. La expansión aparentemente ha continuado, pero mucho más despacio, durante los siguientes miles de millones de años.


Los científicos no pueden saber con exactitud el modo en que el universo evolucionó tras el big bang. Muchos creen que, a medida que transcurría el tiempo y la materia se enfriaba, comenzaron a formarse tipos de átomos más diversos, y que estos finalmente se condensaron en las estrellas y galaxias de nuestro universo presente.


Orígenes de la teoría


Un sacerdote belga, de nombre George Lemaître, sugirió por primera vez la teoría del big bang en los años 20, cuando propuso que el universo comenzó a partir de un único átomo primigenio. Esta idea ganó empuje más tarde gracias a las observaciones de Edwin Hubble de las galaxias alejándose de nosotros a gran velocidad en todas direcciones, y a partir del descubrimiento de la radiación cósmica de microondas de Arno Penzias y Robert Wilson.


El brillo de la radiación de fondo de microondas cósmicas, que puede encontrarse en todo el universo, se piensa que es un remanente tangible de los restos de luz del big bang. La radiación es similar a la que se utiliza para transmitir señales de televisión mediante antenas. Pero se trata de la radiación más antigua conocida y puede guardar muchos secretos sobre los primeros momentos del universo.


La teoría del big bang deja muchas preguntas importantes sin respuesta. Una es la causa original del mismo big bang. Se han propuesto muchas respuestas para abordar esta pregunta fundamental, pero ninguna ha sido probada, es más, una prueba adecuada de ellas supondría un reto formidable.
(Contribucion de la Profesora Genoveva Samudio)

Did you know? Sony vs. Nintendo

The school's anniversary is coming, this year's topic is Videogames and what better way to get ready than by sharing some information about it. Did you know that originally Sony was developing the PlayStation for Nintendo? But everything changed when Nintendo's president betrayed Sony.

Last year, PlayStation introduced its new console to the market, the PlayStation 4. During the 90's Sony was in control of the videogame market with its innovative PS1, the first console to sell over a hundred million machines. Then came the PS2, the most sold console in history. Sony's bet on videogames was not a simple strategic decision, it was fueled by one lone executive seeking revenge due to Nintendo's betrayal.

By the end of the 80's Nintendo and Sony agreed to develop an appendix in their Super Nintento Entertainment System, so it could play games on CDs, besides the traditional cartridge. Neverthless, in the end, Nintendo severed ties with sony, citing it was giving too much control and too many benefits to Sony coming from game selling. To make things worst, they made it public, which only fueled Sony's will for revenge ever further.

During the CES fair in 1991, Nintendo and Sony unveiled their new console, a Super Nintendo capable of reading Cartridges and CDs. Next day, Nintendo announced it was pulling the plug, broke negotiations with sony and announced it was now partnering with Philips. Ken Kutaragi, Sony's responsible in this Project, promised revenge.

From day one, Sony hesitated to step into the videogame zone, Ken Kutaragi was helming the project. Sony released the PlayStation 1 on December 3rd, 1994, to immidiate success. The key factors were the new technical possibilities, working on 3D, and CDs. Every developer jumped into Sony's developing wagon. Soon enough, games like "Gran Turismo", "Final Fantasy" and "Metal Gear Solid" would be a fundamental part of Sony's history.

Sony is again leading the console war with its new Console, the PS4. The rest is just history...

Monday, June 9, 2014

Adware Removal

Have you ever had any of the following issues in your computer:

* Slow Performance on your PC.
* Pop-Up Windows opening everytime you click on a window in your web browser.
* New toolbars (you did not install) in your web browser.
* Rerouting to an URL you did not request.
* Software installed in your PC does not work as it is suppossed to.


Then Adware might just be the cause, this is Software which once downloaded into the PC starts generating Avertisements in your web browser.
But what is the purpose of this so-called Adware? Generally, Adware is harmless, and it runs as a background operation while you are using freeware software (Example (Kazzaa, uTorrent & Ares) this allows the ads to be displayed on a banner or banners in the corresponding window. The most invasive type of Adware generates Pop-Ups which usually block your screen, sometimes, even when you are not using the software. Some other types of adware can by Spying and creating a register of the websites you visit and generates advertisements based on this information. The danger of this type of software (Spyware) is that it does not only retrieve information about which pages you visit, but it also collects personal information (On-line banking, bank account information and the like) to be sold to third-parties.
How can you get rid of Adware and/or Spyware?
Most antivirus Software include anti-Adware/Spyware Protection. But it is important to keep your antivirus database up to date.
Another alternative... if you know how to do it, is to remove the adware manually.
In my case I had a struggle with Adware for a couple of weeks, so I decided to Download "AdwareCleaner.exe", which I strongly Recommend, and scanned my web browsers.

For this I had to:
1. Disable (Not uninstall) my Antivirus Software and close all windows.
2. Execute the AdwareCleaner and at the end you get a Register of all the Adware that was removed from your PC.

As simple as that.

I hope you enjoyed this information.