Wednesday, April 29, 2015



We are proud to show you the activities carried out by some teachers from fifth- and fourth-graders, making use of various learning techniques to introject students diverse knowledge, including rope workshops, oral presentations  and arts projects to discover their skills.
Fifth grade with the teacher Indira Gonzalez

Murphy (2001) identifies communication skills as a key skill in higher education. Oral presentation task enable students to participate fully in their learning, demonstrate their ability to their lecturer, and help them develop competencies in a vital area of their future working lives.

Oral Presentations by 4th grade.

4th grade with the teacher Cynthia Tejada.
These  activities are designed to create an environment for participants to explore,  where participants feel comfortable expressing differing opinions, beliefs and viewpoints.

Art project with construction paper.

Very soon more activities carried out by different teachers with their respective students.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Welcome Back 2015

We invite all the community of C.A.A. to participate actively in our blog where you will be the main character!

Learning gives creativity

creativity leads to thinking 

Thinking provides knowledge  

Knowledge makes you great.

                           Abdul Kalam