Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Art and craft

Try this easy and fun craft
You will need:
o   White paper
o   Crayons
o   Ruler and your creativity
Age: From 4 years old and up
Time: 30 minutes
First, you will need to do straight lines in the white   paper with the ruler.

Second, color all the empty spaces with different colors; like a rainbow.

Third, when you finish coloring the white paper you also can repeat the same pattern in the other side of the page. You may use different designs if you want.

Finally you are ready to get another white paper, put it under the colored paper, and get a pencil and start writing or drawing. And as a magic paper the letters and the drawings will come out colorful.

Send colorful messages to your friends!

I want to give special thanks to:
Mariangel Triana
Paola Cover
Emilia Inestroza
Nayelhys Palacios
Allison Pinto
Ericka Chen
Gianine Gracia

Belinda Chen, and third grade class. I love you!!!

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